Michael Mentler

As a master painter, sculptor, draughtsman, designer, photographer and author Michael Mentler’s creative journey has covered a polymathic array of artistic endeavors. Born in the small mid-western town of Jacksonville, Illinois Michael’s visual sensibilities were observed and nurtured at an early age. Later, he was mentored by Howard Sidman, which led to his first solo show at the age of fourteen. Michael continued his formal education at Layton School of Art in Milwaukee and Washington University in Saint Louis, where he became a protégé of Barry Schactman and Werner Drewes.

Along with winning over a hundred awards, including ‘Best of Show’ and ‘Gold Medals’ from some of the most distinguished juried venues, Michael’s works are included in many private collections, including the Pulitzer, the Mead Library, and the Dallas Museum of Art.

He is Founder and Director of The Society of Figurative Arts, where he mentors select Apprentices. His work has appeared in publications such as; American Artist, American Artist Drawing, American Artist Workshop, Graphis, Communication Arts, and numerous others.

The Book of Bones, which he authored, is in art school libraries throughout the world.

-The Society of Figurative Arts: http://tsofa.com/